2020 - Housing Development (Berks).

Project Details.

A multi-million pound urban regeneration scheme delivering 203 residential units, a new retail centre, community facilities, medical centre, pre-school and 4.5Ha of open space.

Site Details.

The site covered approximately 14 hectares and consisted of hard standing areas, existing buildings, semi-improved grassland, amenity grassland, areas of scrub and bramble, hedgerows and areas of semi natural woodland. 

Of the near 400 trees identified on-site, 300 were retained and a further 200 were to be planted as part of the relandscaping.

Ponds were also introduced as a localised SUDS with planting including various sedge and rush variants.

Responsibilities and Work Undertaken.

ECoW (Advisory).

Undertake pre-works checks for protected / notable species.

Surveys included - Phase 1 habitat survey, ground level tree assessment, breeding bird surveys, badger survey, bat emergence/return - trees & building, bat activity/transects, reptile survey of 80 refugia, dormouse - nut survey, dormouse survey of 70 tube/footprint tunnels.

Safe capture and translocation of protected species to suitable receptor sites.

Oversee installation of artificial features such as bat and bird boxes reptile hibernacula.
