2021 - Polluted Site Clearance (Kent).

Project Details.

An access road in a rural countryside area had become a notorious location for fly- tipping and dumping of waste.

The road itself was in regular use and served as an access route for a resedential area of approximately 200 dwellings.

Complexities of the project included the removal of hazardous substances including various discarded toxins, quantities of asbestos, discarded oils and paints, different forms of sharps and needles.

Site Details.

Whilst a small site in itself, the access road was surrounded by farm and agricultural land to the north and east, a golf club to the south and a small woodland area of approximately 25 acres to the west.

A number of ponds were within close proximity of the site and the immediate area provided numerous and varied habitats that were suitable for a number of species including those protected by law.

Responsibilities and work undertaken.

Ecologist and ECoW (Advisory).

Undertake pre-works checks for protected and notable species such as great crested newt, hazel dormouse, badger, amphibians and reptiles.

Conduct nesting & breeding bird checks.

Undertake PRF assessment of surrounding trees.

Supervise tree felling where needed.

Deliver toolbox talks to contractors.

Provide on-site advice about protected species and precautionary methods of working.